Menota header

Version 1.1 (5 May 2004)


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We recommend that all texts in the Medieval Nordic Text Archive contain a minimal amount of information about the text, its background and its creation. This should be entered in the header, which is an integral and essential part of any XML/TEI document. Below is an example of a header with the minimal amount of information. Of course, Menota texts may contain much more information than exemplified below.

Cf. TEI P4 ch. 5 for a discussion of headers in general and also the notion of minimal headers (ch. 5.6).






The file description is a mandatory part of the header and must include information on the title (<titleStmt>), publication (<publicationStmt>) and source (<sourceDescr>), cf. TEI P4 ch. 5.2.



<title>Haralds saga ins h&aacute;rfagra as preserved in the manuscript AM 37 fol. : an electronic edition</title>

The title of the work. We suggest that the traditional title of the work is given as well as the manuscript on which the transcription is based.

<author>Unknown. Possibly <name>Snorri Sturluson</name></author>

TEI recommends that an author should be specified, even if unknown (TEI P4 ch. 5.6). This may seem unsuitable for medieval documents which frequently are anonymous.




The type of editorial activity.

<name>Rune Kyrkjeb&oslash;, University of Bergen</name>

The name of the transcriber/editor, preferably with affiliation.







<edition>First Menota draft, <date>2002-11</date>.</edition>

Here, "edition" means roughly the same as "version". Date may be given as year (2002), or year and month (2002-03), or year, month and day (2002-03-22).





<publisher>Medieval Nordic Text Archive</publisher>

The body (publisher, archive) which has made the text available.


Although an electronic archive in a sense is virtual, we suggest that the geographical location of the host university is given as the place of publication.


The date of publication in the archive. Date format as in <editionStmt> above.

<idno type="Menota">Ms. 1</idno>

A unique identification of the text. Attribute value: Menota. Element content: acquisition number, beginning with ms. 1.

<availability status="restricted"><p>This text is available for purposes of academic research and teaching only. Re-distribution in any form without prior permission is prohibited. Short extracts may be cited with full acknowledgment of the source.</p></availability>

Copyright statement. Attribute values (according to TEI P4 ch. 5.2.4): free, restricted, unknown. Until further notice we recommend that the status is described as exemplified in the element.





<p>This text has been ...</p>

Optional information on the background of the text.


This part of the source description makes use of elements and attributes not yet included in TEI P4, but recommended by the MASTER project; cf. The Menota handbook ch. 10.1. These elements and attributes have been included in the Menota DTD.



<country reg="DK">Denmark</country>

The country in which the manuscript is kept. Attribute values: DK (Denmark), IS (Iceland), NO (Norway), SE (Sweden). Except for the attribute value the element may be empty.


The place in which the manuscript is kept.

<repository>Det Arnamagn&aelig;anske Institut</repository>

The manuscript collection or institution, preferably with its official name.

<idno>AM 37 fol</idno>

The manuscript signature. We recommend that signatures are given according to the practice in AMKO's dictionary (Indices, 1989).





<textLang langKey="oic">Old Icelandic</textLang>

In ISO 6392 there is a list of three-letter abbreviations of language names. In addition to the modern languages dan (Danish), ice/isl (Icelandic), nor (Norwegain) and swe/sve (Swedish), there is only one abbreviation for medieval Nordic, sc. non (Old Norse, i.e. Old Icelandic and/or Old Norwegian). Since Old Norse is a problematic term (and the abbreviation non is idiosyncratic) we recommend the values oda (Old Danish), oic (Old Icelandic), onw (Old Norwegian), osw (Old Swedish). In cases of uncertainty, a slash may be used, e.g. oic/onw for a manuscript which is either Old Icelandic or Old Norwegian (but most probably Old Icelandic), onw/oic the other way round, etc. For Latin we recommend the abbreviation lat (also in ISO 6392). - Except for the attribute value the element may be empty.

<title id="Hkr">Heimskringla</title>

The title of the text. For Old Norse texts titles should be given according to the list in AMKO's dictionary (indices, 1989). Note that an abbreviated form of the title is given as an attribute value; once more this refers to the list in AMKO's dictionary.

<origPlace reg="NO">Norway</origPlace>

Provenance. The attribute reg is used also here, with attributes such as DK (Denmark), IS (Iceland), NO (Norway), SE (Sweden). National boundaries should be seen in a medieval context.

<origDate notBefore="..." notAfter="...">1567</origDate>

Date of manuscript given as content of the element, as a time span given in the attributes notBefore and notAfter, or as both - Dates are given as explained in <editionStmt> above. - Approximate dates, e.g. "ca. 1275", may be given with a time span of 15 years in each direction, i.e. "notBefore 1260" and "notAfter 1290".










This is an optional part of the header, but we recommend that it contains information on the standard of encoding and level of quality. Cf. TEI P4 ch. 5.3.



<p>This text has been encoded according to the standard set out in <title>The Menota handbook</title>, version 1.0, at</p>

Not all texts in the archive may confirm wholly to the Menota standard. Those that do should say so explicitly.





<correction status="medium"><p>This text was proofread by Rune Kyrkjeb&oslash; before the first printing of his doctoral thesis (2000)</p></correction>

Level of quality control. Attribute values (according to TEI): high, medium, low, unknown. Except for the attribute value the element may be empty. - TEI P4 s.v. correction has these definitions:

high: the text has been thoroughly checked and proofread
medium: the text has been checked at least once
low: the text has not been checked
unknown: the correction status of the text is unknown






This is an optional part of the header, but it is essential that all changes to the file are recorded.




Date format as explained in <editionStmt> above.



<name>Rune Kyrkjeb&oslash;, University of Bergen</name>

The name of the person(s) responsible for the change (update).



<item>Checked... and corrected ...</item>

The type of change.








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Version 1.0 published 20 May 2003. Version 1.1 published 5 May 2004.