1 Catalogue structure
2 Display of text in the archive
3 Morphological and syntactic queries
1 Catalogue structure
The catalogue contains 15 columns of structured information about each text in the archive. The contents of all columns are extracted from the header of each text, and will be updated whenever the header is updated.
The signature is a reference to the manuscript containing the text, typically comprising an abbreviation for the collection, the number (sometimes with additional numbers in Roman numerals or letters in the Latin or Greek alphabet), and the format, e.g. AM 1056 IX 4to. The abbreviations used in the index volume of Ordbog over det norrøne prosasprog (ONP) are used as a norm. There will inevitably be some variation in signatures. For example, Sth. Perg. 6 fol. will (according to ONP) be referred to as Holm perg 6 fol in the catalogue.
MS or Work title
The encoded text is referred to with its standard title in bibliographies, catalogues or the like. For Old Norse texts, the titles in ONP will usually be followed. If more than one text in the manuscript has been enocded, all work titles will be listed, unless they are very short, e.g. “Kristinréttir, Bǿjarlǫg Magnúss Hákonarsonar ok réttarbǿtr”. In some cases, titles will be given in Medieval Nordic and in English or Modern Scandinavian, separated by a vertical bar.
Main editor(s)
The editor or editors responsible for the major part of the work. In many cases, other scholars have contributed to the edition. They will be listed in responsibility statements (respStmt) in the header, and will be shown in the next column, H.
Header. This is a structured summary of important information in the header.
The latest version of the file. Note that many files have not yet reached version 1.0.
The language of the text: oic = Old Icelandic, onw = Old Norwegian; osw = Old Swedish; oda = Old Danish; lat = Latin.
The number of words in the encoded text, not including supplied text (i.e. words in the supplied element).
Lemmatisation: none = no lemmas are given, partly = lemmas are given for some of the words; completely = lemmas are given for all words. The orthography of lemmas is in accordance with standard dictionaries, such as ONP for Old Norse and Schlyter for Old Swedish. However, several Old Norwegian texts have a somewhat different orthography from ONP. This will be discussed in ch. 10 of the Menota Handbook, v. 3.0.
Grammatical annotation: none = no grammatical information; partly = grammatical information given for some of the words; completely = grammatical information given for all words.
Facs / Dipl / Norm
Level of text representation: facs = facsimile level; dipl = diplomatic level; norm = normalised level. The texts in the archive have been encoded on one or more levels, and can be displayed on the same levels.
Photographic facsimile. An increasing number of texts can be displayed in facsimile, aligned page by page with the transcription, and in three sizes: small, medium and large.
The quality of the transcription, as reported by the editor: high, medium, low.
License for use of the encoded text, as defined by Creative Commons. Almost all texts are available as CC-BY-SA 4.0.
Texts with a CC-BY-SA 4.0 (or similar) license can be downloaded free of charge. Just click on “Download”.
2 Display of text in the archive
Texts in the archive are displayed in one or more columns, depending on the number of levels used by the encoder. Many texts have only been encoded on a diplomatic level, a few only on a facsimile level. If a text has been encoded on more than one level, they can be displayed in as many levels, aligned by line numbers. Photographic facsimiles will be displayed to the right of the text column(s). If the screen gets too crowded, consider unclicking some of the options.
Various aspects of the text will be displayed using colours or special characters. Work on the display is continuing and some changes are likely to be made. See the latest overview here:
- Menota Legend, v. 3.0, 7 November 2017
- Menota Legend, v. 2.0, 19 June 2017
- Menota Legend, v. 1.0, 5 January 2017
The display of texts in the archive uses the Web Open Font Format (WOFF), and should be readable in all recent web browsers. The font used is Andron by Andreas Stötzner, Leipzig.
3 Morphological and syntactic queries
This is an introduction to the art of making queries in the Menota archive (including help for using the PROIEL and INESS interfaces). It will be continously updated. See the latest overview here:
- Searching in Medieval Nordic texts, v. 2.0, 15 June 2017
- Searching in Medieval Nordic texts, v. 1.0, 29 February 2017